Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Going Bald: Inspirational person

The Go Bald 4.0 campaign recently just ended here in Kuching and from I heard, it was the biggest and most successful event so far! Great news :)

I have a friend of mine who said she wanted to go bald. I was obviously shocked. I though 'Wow, she had guts. Good for her!'  But what she did it for made me so touched and amazed by her that I just had to share her story!

Meet one of the most amazing people I have ever met. Shi Qi!

I read in the newspaper on how the other girls wanted to go bald for the thrill of it. In fact, I can't remember reading anyone of them mentioning about the purpose of the campaign in the first place. 

But this girl right here, she wanted to go bald to help the who have cancer and she really hopes the money she donated will save a life, even just one will be worth it. And I know how much her hair meant to her, especially since she's a girl, but she still willingly do it to help these people in need. She put others above herself. Pure selflessness.That's just so amazing and one of the most inspiring things I heard. :') Can't put it in words. Btw, she looks so beautiful :)

How many of you out there will do the same?

The earnings of the campaign will be used to help the people who were suffering from cancer. I think that this is a great campaign and I would have joined to help out too if it wasn't for the fact that our school didn't allow us to which I have no idea why for. -_- Plus being bald is one of the things I wanna do before I die :3

To wrap up,
Check out the Go Bald official website. Show your support!! :) Go Bald

See this amazing person's blog too! ShiQi

Sunday, May 13, 2012


So alot of things happened lately. Man, I'm getting tired of thinking and typing about it -_- But like the title says, its finally time for closure. 
Throughout this helluva experience, honestly speaking I handled it extremely poorly. And I tried to open up myself and asked for people's help. God, friends, counselor. Most recently and surprisingly, my mom. Suddenly I start to realize I've been really stupid at late(well... actually i knew it already but I didnt wanted to accept it lol.) and I've just like to write a message to you as well as a reminder to myself this promise I'm going to make.

To That Girl,

Oh gosh, where do I begin? It's really hard for me to say this honestly. But here goes. First of all, I'll like to apologise. A sincere one. From day 1, I made things bad. Things got progressively worse as the days goes on. And now, 3 weeks later, it still hasn't been resolve. I made it uncomfortable between us and honestly, I compromise our friendship to the very limit. I stirred alot of emotions not only between us, but our friends as well along the way. Not to mention I rant alot lately on Twitter about you.

Oh yeah, truth be told, I'm not that over you yet.  

BUT, I know where this situation is headed. I should have done this much earlier and it maybe too late now but I'll give it a go anyway. I'll want to give it time. As long as it needs. We already sort of said we were cool with each other, but my actions prove otherwise. Now I'll really prove it. No more emo rants and all that bullshit I've done. When we meet, no doubt it will still be awkward. We're probably gonna avoid each other for maybe a couple of weeks more. But I just want to give you a break. Free from me. I want to give myself time too. To recover and move on. :]
Netherless, I know we still can be friends. I know we can put the past behind us. (uhh more to me actually cuz I suck at letting go lol -_-). I can see in the near future we'll be friends again. I'm not going to believe people who tell me when things don't work out, we can't even be friends. Thats just stupid. Maybe not today, maybe not tommorow. But someday. And I'll be looking forward to that day :)

This is my promise to you and myself. And finally, for real, closure. 


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Truth is

Truth is. There's lots of things about me that I cover lately. Gone through alot and I decide to surrender. Nothing to gain from trying to protect whatever self-pride and reputation I have left. here goes. Truth is

1. I get hurt easily. I pretend I go through it like a man. But truth is I can barely hold it in. I do cry over it by myself in my room sometimes.
2. Friendship means alot to me. If I done anything wrong to you, I will fell guilty all the way til I correct my mistake. I always try to put my friends first. You guys are a big deal for me. I wouldn't want to lose any of you guys. But I also want such respect back. Dun treat me like nothing. Gtfo if you don't.
3. I make mistakes. That makes me a normal human being. But if I do them, I will do everything in my power to correct it. You have no right to criticize me cuz you are not free from your own mistakes.

4. I'm a complete, complete mess right now. Exams are here and what have I done? Nothing. Today I tried studying and I can't even start at all. I either procrastinate, sleep or go emo. My rooms a complete mess. I haven't been doing much except hide in my room emo-ing with my guitar or playing my psp. Just sad

5. This one is the killer. It's the silence. The silence from you. The shroud around the whole thing. I thought we were cool, but I'm not sure anymore. At times I do over think things, and that just sucks. No text, no conversation, no nothing from you. What hurts more is the fact it was my fault. I just... I just.... cant... :/ kill me now.

6. I pretend to be happy. All my happy post are a complete lie. Yes, I suck that bad.

7. I talk to God all the time. But I'm not finding the answer I need. :/

So, exams still on-going. I have no way of catching up unless a miracle happen. I get so emo at times, I just feel like.... haih nevermind. I need you to tell me its going to be okay. I need you to tell me we're completely cool and everything will work out. Not from anyone else. Then again, I annoyed you so many times, I'm afraid what we had is unsalvageable. All I can do now is wallow in my self-pity. Okay.